I'm a Hungry Dinosaur

Written by Janeen Brian
Illustrated by Ann James

For ages 0 to 5

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This book is best for:
  • action verbs
  • subjective pronoun (I)


Follow this hungry little dinosaur as he bakes a cake and makes a playful mess along the way.

I'm a Hungry Dinosaur is packed with plenty of action works, particularly for baking. The bouncy and repetitive text encourages children to join in with the story by copying the little dinosaur's words and actions. As this book is written in the first person, it is an excellent choice for teaching young children to use the word 'I' (e.g. I'm stirring, I'm chomping).

For further speech and language targets in I'm a Hungry Dinosaur, see the list below.

Book Details

Narrative Structure: Action Sequence

Story Plot: Repetitive Tale

  • animals - dinosaurs
  • food/drink
  • baking
  • cake

Speech and Language Targets

Speech Sounds:
  • /k/ - cake, sprinkle, shake, make, bake
  • /l/ blends - slide, slip, slop, slice
  • /m/ - mix, make, more, my, tum, yum, some
  • /s/ blends - stir, smooth, slide, slip, slop, slice, spoon, sprinkle
  • /t/ - tip, two, it, pat, sit, beat
  • adjectives (hungry, yum, lovely, nice)
  • conjunctions (and)
  • objective pronouns (it)
  • subjective pronouns (I)
  • action verbs (shake, stir, mix, beat, slide, sit, watch, chomp, chew)
  • mental verbs (love, think)
  • matching
  • labelling
  • character description
Rhyme & Sound Awareness:
  • rhyme
Book Info

Published by Penguin Group Australia in 2015 (ISBN: 9780670078103)

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