The Very Noisy Baby

Written by Alison Lester

For ages 0 to 5

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This book is best for:
  • copying sounds
  • sequencing


In a little pink house on the edge of town lives a very noisy baby. She growls and neighs and moos so well that the people who are walking by mistake her for their missing animals. One by one the various community members knock on the door in search of their animals. As each family member of the little pink house opens the door, they explain that there are no animals inside, only one very noisy baby! But with a brilliant idea from the baby's sister, the community decides to use the baby’s animal noises to help find the missing creatures.

The Very Noisy Baby is a beautifully illustrated children’s book about the many delightful noises babies make. There are lots of fun animal noises to copy on every page, just like the very noisy baby! Children will love predicting which animal might pop up next by using the baby’s sounds as clues. The repetition throughout the story keeps little ones engaged and makes it great for language development as children are exposed to the same words multiple times throughout the book. This is an excellent book for targeting early narrative retelling skills as there is a clear main character, setting and sequence of events.

For further speech and language skills to target in The Very Noisy Baby, see the list below.

Book Details

Narrative Structure: Abbreviated Episode

Story Plot: Repetitive Tale

  • animals
  • family
  • noise
  • sounds

Speech and Language Targets

Speech Sounds:
  • /b/ - baby
  • /h/ - house, hear, horse, hoo, howl
  • /k/ - cow, cockatoo, like, knock, park
  • /n/ - noisy, knock, neigh, no
  • voiced /th/ - the, that, their, there, then, mother, father, brother, others
  • conjunctions (but, when, and)
  • negatives (no, don't - "no, we don't have your....")
  • regular past tense
  • irregular past tense verbs (came - "and guess who came....?")
  • subjective pronouns (we, she)
  • action verbs (e.g. tap, prowl, gallop, swoop, waddle)
  • labelling (animals, family members)
  • predicting which animal will come next
  • synonyms (looking, seeking, scouting, searching)
  • who (e.g. "who comes next?")
  • temporal concept (when)
  • setting
  • sequencing
  • direct character speech
Rhyme & Sound Awareness:
  • copying sounds
  • rhyme
Book Info

Published by Affirm Press in 2017 (ISBN: 9781925475616)

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